Benign Nasal Growths In Dogs

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Nasal polyps are benign growths in dogs that develop inside of the nose. The growths are typically pink and non-cancerous. However, they can be bothersome to the dog and cause secondary health problems, such as infection. The exact cause of these polyps is not known, but some experts believe the condition is genetic. In some cases, the body’s response to inflammation can cause benign nasal growths.


Common symptoms of benign nasal polyps include:

  • Congestion in the nose
  • Sneezing
  • Discharge from the nose not caused by infection
  • Unusual noises upon inhalation
  • Difficulty breathing


The only way to confirm nasal polyps in dogs is under anesthesia. Both the mouth and nose are thoroughly examined during the procedure. If a mass is detected, a small sample is taken to send out to the lab and determine whether it’s malignant or non-cancerous.

Other diagnostic procedures that may be ordered include MRI, CT scan, and radiographs. These tests can help find the exact location of the polyp or rule out other health conditions, such as an airway obstruction.

Treatment Options

Surgical correction is the preferred treatment option for benign growths in dogs. During the procedure, the vet will need to remove the mass from the core in order to prevent it from growing again. Antibiotic therapy will be necessary for approximately two weeks to help prevent an infection from forming at the surgery site.

After the surgery, it’s important to keep a close eye on your dog for any abnormalities that may indicate the growth of another nasal polyp. Benign nasal growths don’t normally return quickly, but they can sprout again, even if the surgical procedure was a success.