Symptoms Of Cherry Eye

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Owners will notice the development of cherry eye very quickly in their pets. The tear glands of the nictitating membranes normally do not slip out of place. The Tear Gland will actually become inverted or prolapsed at an alarmingly rapid rate, which causes the associated tear glands to pop out. Most owners are understandably surprised to see a red, doughy mass protruding from the lower inside corner of an eye that, only moments before, appeared entirely normal. The most obvious sign of cherry eye is a well-defined mass of red tissue bulging from the inner corner of one or both of a dog’s eyes. Often, this protrusion is the only observable sign that owners see.

Dogs that develop cherry eye usually have symptoms associated with ocular irritation, dryness, redness, swelling, and inflammation. Affected dogs tend to scratch or paw at their eyes as a result of the discomfort, and sometimes they are seen rubbing their faces along the grass or indoor carpeting in an attempt to relieve the irritation. The vision of dogs with cherry eye can be adversely affected as well, especially if a dog scratches the surface of the affected eye when pawing at the area to find pain relief. However, doing so, the dog will just cause more harm. If you notice any of these symptoms and an obvious red bulge in your dog’s eye, take them to see the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.