Treating Dogs with Frostbite

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If you suspect that your dog has frostbite, then it’s important that you know how to treat it properly to keep your dog safe and healthy. Your dog’s tail, ears, and paws have the highest risk of being struck with frostbite.

A lot of people don’t even know what to look for when it comes to dogs and frostbites. If your dog has frostbite, the affected skin will be a pure white color, and you’ll notice that your dog will appear to be in pain. Your dog will probably have already lost sensitivity in that area as well. First, use a rectal thermometer to figure out what your dog’s temperature is. If you dog’s temperature is less than 99°F, treat your dog for both frostbite and hypothermia.

Next, treat the area affected with frostbite immediately. Soak spots where your dog has frostbite in warm water for about 25 minutes. This will help your dog warm up, and it will soften the frostbitten area. If you can see it returning to a normal color and softening after only warming the area once, your dog’s frostbite was mild and nothing too serious. Continue to soak the affected area in warm water on and off every 25 minutes until it returns to a normal color. Pet stores also sell special products that help heal frostbites even faster. If the area doesn’t appear to be getting any better despite your efforts, bring your dog to the animal hospital right away.

Frostbite is dangerous and no fun for people or dogs. To prevent doggie frostbite, don’t your dog stay out for too long when it’s freezing and snowing, try to get your dog to wear doggie apparel, and be sure to wipe off your dog when he or she comes back inside.